Saturday, May 02, 2009

Seabreeze Day 2009

Seabreeze Day 2009
Saturday May 2nd was to quote the publicity, 'feast of music and visual arts, spread along 1 kilometre of foreshore from the Nightcliff Jetty to Chapman Road."
There was entertainment, funfair activities, stalls, exhibitions and displays free for the whole family.
This annual event is all about "community participation" All that was true as there were so many families siiting on the lawns and enjoying the afternnon and evening
Bubble blower
I joined Jeanette and her teacher friends and enjoyed the sights, sounds and smells, food and drink. I saw lots of people I knew including Anne Wilson and partner Alan and I think much of Darwin's population was enjoying the tropical evening to celebrate the Dry.
Alan, Anne and Jeanette
I saw fellow Flickr photographer Donna(aka "GeoWombats") "shooting" her baby.
Crowd at Nightcliff Seabreeze Day
The crowd loved these Nightcliff Primary kids who gave a good performance
NightCliff Junior Primary songsters
NightCliff Junior Primary songsters
NightCliff Junior Primary songsters
At NightClif Seabreezes Festival
Belly Dancers
Essington School Orchestra
Martin Jarvis
The girls:
Sarah, Robyn and Jeanette