Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday cruise

With Hugh back from a week in Melbourne we took a run on our scooters to Rapid Creek and then Nightcliff Markets
Beehive Ginger
Rapid Creek Market
Not all are having fun in the sun...
street scene
Down and out at Nightcliff shops

Then a trip along East Point Road to the East Point Military Museum. This week there are various activities to commemorate the bombing of Darwin 66 years ago on February 19th 1942, 248 people died.
Army Display East Point Military Museum
Searchlight Mirror East Point Military Museum
The Darwin Army Band was playing and there were a number of military diplays
Amongst the performers were 'One Mob, Different Country' - Indigenous dancers from detention centres.
'One Mob,Different Country' - Indigenous dancers from detention centres.
'One Mob, Different Country' - Indigenous dancers from detention centres.
'One Mob,Different Country' - Indigenous dancers from detention centres.
Also there were some Mediterranean dancers
Mediterranean dancers