Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fogg Dam In the Wet

Hugh and I took the drive down the Stuart and Arnhem Highways to Fogg Dam. As the monsoonal weather has well set in I really wanted to see what conditions were like.
Rain over Adelaide River Plains
I was delighted to see Fogg Dam teeming with bird life,including Royal Spoonbills, Egrets, Lesser Egrets,Darters,Pied Herons,Rainbow Bee-Eaters,Crimson Finches.
We had fun taking our shoes off and walking down the flooded road.
Royal Spoonbills and Darters
Royal Spoonbill
Royal Spoonbills
Royal Spoonbill
Rainbow Bee-eater
Rainbw Bee-eater

Dragon Dance Blessing

Being Chinese New Year, business's all round Darwin are being blessed by the Dragon Dancers visiting their premises.
Dragon Dance
Dragon Dance
Today was the turn of both the Parap Market and the bistro at the Darwin Sailing Club.
JK at Parap
Dragon Dance troupe
Dragon Dance