Friday, October 22, 2004

My Favourite Book

This has been around for a few years, but I can still pick it up and laugh, very well written.

A local identity

This lizard I found near the rear of the library. Is it a Gilbert's Dragon (Lophognathus gilberti) or perhaps is it a Ta-Ta Lizard (or Lophognathus temporalis) ?

Gilbert's Dragon
For a little more information from a German site:

Where I work

This is a photo looking at the library building at the Casuarina campus of the Charles Darwin University where I work in the Northern Territory, Australia
Library at Charles Darwin University

Why Javaman?

Since 1985 I have been researching the sailing ship "Java" which brought my ancestors to the colony of South Australia , landing on February 6th 1839. The ship was fairly unique as its said to have been the last of the East Indiamen. It was broken up in Genoa in 1939. Thanks to Roger Sando, my book on the ship published in 1990 is now available on the Internet. [see]